Friday, August 31, 2012

We're Back

After a long hiatus, longer than I am proud to admit, I've returned.  Hopefully I'll stick with it this is today's rant.

What is this country and this world coming to when we take things like ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and label them "disorders" and decide that we need to medicate them.

Being labeled OCD or ADD are a good thing.  Personally, I double check everything that I write for spelling and grammar errors.  People often say "that stuff doesn't matter anymore".  You bet it matters.  I set a standard for myself to pursue perfection in everything that I do, and that standard encompasses everything that I do.  I insist that my drawings at work are as efficient and clean as possible, as well as any drawings anyone does for me.  I will not release my own drawings until they meet my standard, and I will not work with someone else's drawings until they meet my standard.  The same applies to projects on my house.  Everything I do, I try to make it as perfect and uniform as my hands are capable.  Go ahead, call me OCD for that, and thank you for the compliment.

Go ahead and label me ADD because it appears to you that I can't focus on just one thing.  Why is that?  It's because I never only have one thing on my mind.  If my mind is only focused on one thing at a time, it is a waste of brain-hours.  I am constantly giving my mental attention to multiple things at once.  Always thinking about how I can make things more efficient at my job, how I can make myself more valuable to the company, and therefore how I can convince my boss to pay me more money for what I do.  I am always thinking about how I can better promote my products and business, and who is a good candidate to join my team and who can best benefit from use of my product.  I am always thinking of how I can give myself the best chance to win my next jiu-jitsu competition.  I am always thinking of the next step on my current house project, when I will accomplish this, and what the next house project after this one is done.

The point here is this:
Do not medicate these "disorders", run with them!

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